How do I request a transcript from DegreePlanWorks?

After you successfully complete a DegreePlanWorks ACE CREDIT - recommended courses, you can request a transcript from ACE to send to your school. Requesting your transcript is easy!

1. Log in to your DegreePlanWorks account

2. On the DegreePlanWorks online learning center front page, you will see a block titled “Earning Credit” in the right margin. That block contains a link that takes you to our Earning Credit FAQ site, which provides complete information on how you can earn credit for successfully completing DegreePlanWorks courses. Instructions on how to request a transcript are included.

 3. Open any DegreePlanWorks course that you have purchased. In the Final Exam block, you will find the link to the ACE Credit Portal, where you can create an account, document your course completions, and order a transcript.